The Coin Logo Game

This game begins with asking all the group members to empty their pockets, wallets, bags or any coins that they have, then placing it on a table in front of them. Then each person is instructed to create a logo for themselves using the coins they placed. Each participant would then explain their logo to the group and why they made it to represent themselves. This activity not only helps in self-awareness of the participants but also it allows the participants to get to know each other on a more personal level.

Life Highlights Game

This game is a perfect icebreaker for both small and large groups. This activity begins with each participant closing their eyes and think of all the best moments in their lives. Any moment whether it would be being alone, with family, or with friends also included are personal success, professional success, or life adventures as long as it was a highlight of their lives. Next step would be to narrow down those highlights, while their eyes are closed the participants are asked to choose which 30 seconds of their lives they want to relive if they only had 30 seconds left to live. Then the leader of the activity would ask each person of the group to share what moment they want to relive and why they would want to relive it. The first part allows participants to reflect on the goodness of their lives, the second part will let them get to know their group mates more intimately. The game allows the participants to get a feel of the passion, love, and personalities of their co-workers.

Two Truths and a Lie

The game starts out by having each team member right down two truths, and one lie about themselves. Members should not let anyone know what they wrote down! Once all persons involved has completed writing, allow 10-15 minutes of open conversation. The idea is to let the team question each other and try to guess which of the three statements they wrote down are truths or lies. Once this is done the whole team will form a circle and one by one each team member will share what they wrote down, then the group will vote on which of those is a lie or a truth. This game help co-workers know each other better as well as promote better communication amongst the office.